During the delivery of my VMware View training I experienced a nasty error. It took me a while before I figured out what caused it. When you’re adding a vCenter server to the Connection server you have the option to enable the Composer. Before enabling the Composer you have to install the Composer software on the vCenter server. After activating the enable mark box, you must add a Domain administrator account. When I added an account, the following error showed up in the event log of the vCenter server.
Bad domain name. com.vmware.vdi.admin.ui.VCBean.a(SourceFile:1002)
faultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Client
faultString: VMware.Sim.Fault.AdHostsUnavailableFault
{http://vmware.com/SviService}AdHostUnavailableFault:<AdConfigId i:nil="true"/>
After trying a lot of different things, I finally ended up with two solutions, the hard way is remove your vCenter server from the AD Domain and let it rejoin the AD Domain again. The easy way is add an AD Domain record to your DNS server. Quick and dirty, open your DNS manager, add an A record, don’t fill in the host name and just hit OK. After that, it works like a charm.