This evening I had the chance to play some more with the PowerGadgets tool. I want to use VMware PowerShell Snap-in to collect statistics about my VM and display the data in a nice chart. The following three lines produce the chart in the image. Isn’t it great ;-). Btw if you have problems with connecting to your Virtual Center server and you are receiving the following error message “Get-VIServer : Unexpected Error. ID Core_GetViServer_NewClient_Nullclient At Line:1 char:13? you should check your locales setting and make sure you put it on English (credits to Bas).
Get-VIServer "VCServer" -User Eric -Password Sloof $VirtualMachine = Get-VM|where {$_.Name -Like "ntpro"}Get-Stat-Disk $VirtualMachine -Start 01:00 -Finish 22:00 -MaxSamples 20| Out-Chart