WebCommander is a set of web applications that help you to do complicated or time consuming tasks easily. Basically anything you want to do to a vSphere VM could be done.
You can use those web applications programmatically from any existing language or framework so long as it may call web service.
For instance, Unified View Setup (UVS) can be used to group Web Commander actions together into an action list, which is repeatable and can use variables and keywords like LASTGOODBUILD.
WebCommander is a way to do this! WebCommander was designed as a framework to wrap your PowerShell and PowerCLI scripts into an easy-to-access web service. Now you can hand off the tasks your users need by simply adding a new script and giving them access to WebCommander.
WebCommander is a way to do this! WebCommander was designed as a framework to wrap your PowerShell and PowerCLI scripts into an easy-to-access web service. Now you can hand off the tasks your users need by simply adding a new script and giving them access to WebCommander.