Eric Siebert over at vsphere-land has managed to calculate all the votes and has put together the Top Blog 2014 results. NTPRO.NLhas ended up at place 6 in 2014 top VMware & virtualization blog voting. My website was also chosen as number 3 at "Favorite Independent Blogger". Congratulations go out to all the other bloggers and I want to thank everyone for casting their vote. I promise the keep up the good work. Here's the complete top 10:
- Yellow Bricks (Duncan Epping)
- Virtually Ghetto (William Lam)
- Frank Denneman (Frank Denneman)
- Cormac Hogan (Cormac Hogan)
- Scott Lowe blog (Scott Lowe)
- NTPRO.NL (Eric Sloof)
- Virtu-al (Alan Renouf)
- Wahl Network (Chris Wahl)
- Virtual Geek (Chad Sakac)
- Mike Laverick (Mike Laverick)