I am a huge fan of the website run-virtual.com, on November the 16th 2006 Richard Garsthagen yelled Yippie!! in one of his posts and that was for a reason. Richard was able to talk to VirtualCenter via SOAP with his own Visual Basic application. On November the 21th he published his first application with the name VmotionInfo. That was the eye opener for me. I immediately visited the vmware.com website to get my hands on as much SDK info as possible. Unfortunately the VB example folder was empty. During the next months I was struggling with C# and Googeling like crazy but my VB application could not communicate with VirtualCenter. In the beginning of April 2007 I attended the TSX in Nice and got up early to visit the VI3 Perl SDK lab hosted by Jeremy van Doorn. Afterwards I interviewed Jeremy and asked him if VMware is going to release the SDK examples for Visual Basic. His answer was that it will be released this year ? This year I thought? I want to start writing my apps right now. This week I had a breakthrough. I only slept for a few hours last night but it paid off. My Visual Basic application is communicating with Virtual Center and “logging on? takes an eye blink. Yippie!!! I only have till Friday to work on my first app because after next weekend I am delivering the VI3 Install and Configure training in The Hague and Eindhoven. So I have decided that I am going to share my invention. I am going to write a complete “how to? and will publish all the source code and VB project files on my website www.ntpro.nl. Stay tuned.