Ed Albanese also know as desktop ( VMware) answered some really interesting questions about Project North Star formally know as ThinInstall.
1) Why a new name Project North Star? No one knows it. I did google for thinstall forum and dindn`t found this one. Thinstall is already a good name and people know it, I wouldn`t change it.
It's a product code-name, not the planned name for the product release. The final product name for the Thinstall technology is not decided; it could remain, it could change. A big part of the release of any new product are things like trademark searches across the world. VMware will need to do these things for any such name we issue. I didn't want to wait for all of those things to happen before we release a product in beta to market, and thought it would be better to get it into Vmware customers hands now - even with a codename - than wait till all the t's are crossed and the i's are dotted with product name requirements. I'm glad you found this beta despite the codename!
2) The price.... 4000-5000 is really really to much.
3) Can you Port it to Linux because your other products are also multi platform. Linux has really no similar thing ?
You can read all about it in this discussion.