Last week at the TSX in Nice I had an interview with Richard Gartsthagen. He was very enthusiastic about at tool called nLite. With this tool you can remove Windows components like the Media Player, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, MSN Messenger and more….. When your are creating a template for your virtual machines, you don’t want a modem driver or a sound card driver. In fact the only drivers you are using within a virtual machine are the one’s within the VMwaretools. After the removal of all the overhead from your Windows ISO the virtual machine becomes very small and Windows will start faster than ever before. Its even possible to slipstream the virtual machine drivers into you ISO and get rid of the press F6 message for the LSI driver during the setup of your Windows XP virtual machine. Richard has build an ISO image for the VDI labs with a size of 72 Mb. After the ISO is installed you have a Windows XP virtual machine witch starts up in seconds and the size of the hard disk is only 500 Mb with still 200 Mb free disk space. This is the first step in creating a JeOS (pronounced "Juice") witch is an abbreviation of Just Enough Operating System. This technique lets you create and ship your software within are ready to run virtual machine. You can get a free copy of nLite at
Thursday, April 5. 2007
At the airport
Today I recorded the last two interviews, actually Viktor van den Berg interviewed me :-) , and I had an interview with Bouke Groenescheij. Bouke started his training and consulting company called Jumé recently. Jumé stands for commitment, professionalism and flexibility - new way of thinking. Jumé provides the best possible service, technical knowledge, enthusiasm during training and consultancy. That way you will get the best and honest solution, guaranteed!
I want to thank all the people at the TSX for this great event.
Wednesday, April 4. 2007
TSX movie
During the TSX days in Nice I have created some small movies with my Sony DVD92E and recoded the VOB files with Nero Recode. After the recoding I edited the MP4 files with Windows Movie maker 6 and placed the movies on YouTube. When you are interested in the opening speech from Richard Garthagen or you just want to get an impression about the TSX in Nice please visit the following address.
TSX Interview with Jeremy van Doorn
Just after the SDK Programming Perl toolkit lab I had the opportunity to conduct an interview with Jeremy van Doorn. He works for VMware since 2004 as a Senior Systems Engineer. His work is to present VMware solutions to customers and speak on seminars. Besides that he talks, on a daily basis with the costumers about where they can use the VMware products. In the past Jeremy was a security engineer at BT (Syntergra) where he had an advising role regarding secure WAN links. The photo is taken by Viktor van den Berg, on his website you can find more TSX photo's.
TSX interview with Scott Herold
I had an interview with Scott Herold he told me that there are many challenges that exist in implementing a Virtual Infrastructure that fall across various levels of an organization. Find out from Scott Herold, one of the leading industry experts, how these challenges can be overcome and how you can be successful from both a technical and business perspective in your Virtual Infrastructure deployment Scott Herold is a VMware Authorized Consultant (VAC), a VMware Certified Professional (VCP), and the owner of, a leading virtualization forum. Herold has engineered and implemented some of the largest ESX Server solutions in the world, including those for several financial services and insurance companies. His solutions designs range from two to three physical server implementations to enterprise environments of more than 50 eight-way hosts. Herold is one of the most active participants in the VMware Technology Network Forums, an acknowledge expert in the virtualization field and recognized author of VMware ESX Server, Advanced Technical Guide. The photo is taken by Viktor van den Berg, on his website you can find more TSX photo's.
Tuesday, April 3. 2007
TSX opening
The first official day at the TSX in Nice was a busy day. You had to find the most interesting session before the room filled up and your had to get your drinks in time ;-). Besides that I got the opportunity to interview a lot of interesting people. The opening speech went great and I made a little video of the presentation from Richard Garthagen. Tomorrow I am going to take the Perl lab. I will keep you posted. The photo is taken by Viktor van den Berg, on his website you can find more TSX photo's.
TSX Interview with David Bieneman
I had an interview with David Bieneman he will be discussing how esxMigrator has simplified and automated the conversion from ESX Server 2 to VI3, how esxCharter has simplified the monitoring, bill back and understanding of VI3 and why esxRanger has become the industry standard for backup and recovery of your virtual machines on VI3. The photo is taken by Viktor van den Berg, on his website you can find more TSX photo's.
TSX Interview with Richard Garsthagen
I had an interview with Richard Garsthagen, he is the product Marketing Manager EMEA – Enterprise Desktop This session will discuss what VMware’s Virtual Desktop Infrastructure about and how to deploy it in the real world. It will go into broker to use, how to design a secure solution and how practical solution can be. Richard Garsthagen has been with VMware for 4 years. He European technical trainer and moved later to the Technical Manager Position. At the beginning of this year Richard became Product Marketing Manager for VMware’s enterprise desktop (ACE and VDI) focusing solely on how virtualization can improve and management of corporate desktop environments. He is also the the main man behind The photo is taken by Viktor van den Berg on his website you can find more TSX photo's.
TSX Interview Jacob Jensen
I had an interview with Jacob Jensen, he is the product Manager Datacenter I/O, VMware As server consolidation ratios increase, ESX hosts will require ever more performance from the network. This session will describe how to maximize networking performance in large scale ESX environments. We will cover both current and future technologies that accelerate networking performance. Specific topics include: hardware assist technologies, 10 Gbps Ethernet, Inifinband and best practice network design for maximum performance. Jacob Jensen has over 9 years of experience in data networking and telecommunications. Prior to joining VMware, Jacob worked for Adomo Inc. as a product manager focusing on unified communications solutions for large enterprises. Priori to Adomo, Jacob spent 6 years at Cisco Systems as part of Catalyst 6500 team. Jacob holds a Masters of Science degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University. The photo is taken by Viktor van den Berg, on his website you can find more TSX photo's.
Monday, April 2. 2007
Eric Berglund on the TSX in Nice
This video is taken before the official start of the VMware TSX 2007 in Nice, you can see Eric Berglund giving a presentation to the European VMware trainers. The photo is taken by Viktor van den Berg on his website you can find more TSX photo's.