VMware vSphere PowerCLI 4.0 Update 1 has been tested against the beta release of vSphere 4.1. To find the related issues, see Known Issues, Compatibility with VMware vSphere 4.1 Beta.
What's New in This Release?
This release of vSphere PowerCLI 4.0 Update 1 introduces the following new capabilities:
ā¢Managing the failover and load-balancing policies of VirtualSwitch and VirtualPortGroup objects with Get-NicTeamingPolicy and Set-NicTeamingPolicy.
ā¢Copying files in and out of guest operating systems with Copy-VMGuestFile.
ā¢Restarting virtual machines with Restart-VM.
ā¢Managing the power state of hosts using Start-VMHost, Restart-VMHost, Suspend-VMHost, and Stop-VMHost.
ā¢Managing guest networks with Get-VMGuestNetworkInterface, Set-VMGuestNetworkInterface, Get-VMGuestRoute, New-VMGuestRoute, Remove-VMGuestRoute, and Set-VMGuestRoute.
ā¢Retrieving and removing USB devices with Get-UsbDevice and Remove-UsbDevice.
ā¢Managing NIC customization settings with Get-OSCustomizationNicMapping, New-OSCustomizationNicMapping, and Set-OSCustomizationNicMapping.
ā¢Handling virtual machine questions with Get-VMQuestion and Set-VMQuestion.
ā¢Working with host storages and iSCSI HBA devices with Get-VMHostHba, Set-VMHostHba, Get-iScsiHbaTarget, New-iScsiHbaTarget, Remove-iScsiHbaTarget, Set-iScsiHbaTarget, and Set-VMHostStorage.
ā¢Moving templates with Move-Template and Move-Inventory.
ā¢Managing the access control system with Get-VIPrivilege, Get-VIRole, New-VIRole, Remove-VIRole, Set-VIRole, Get-VIPermission, New-VIPermission, Remove-VIPermission, and Set-VIPermission.
ā¢Managing DRS recommendations with Get-DrsRecommendation and Apply-DrsRecommendation.
ā¢Upgrading hosts with Install-VMHostPatch.
ā¢Managing virtual appliances with Get-VApp, Export-VApp, Import-VApp, New-VApp, Remove-VApp, Set-VApp, Start-VApp, and Stop-VApp.
ā¢Managing PCI and SCSI passthrough devices with Add-PassthroughDevice, Get-PassthroughDevice, and Remove-PassthroughDevice.
ā¢Running BAT (Windows) and BASH (Linux) scripts with Invoke-VMScript.
ā¢Granting and revoking shell access with New-VMHostAccount and Set-VMHostAccount.
ā¢Uploading firmware packages with Set-VMHostFirmware.
ā¢Creating virtual machines with thin provisioned disks with New-VM.
ā¢Cloning powered-on virtual machines with New-VM.
ā¢Resizing virtual disks and guest partitions with Set-HardDisk.
ā¢Extending, cloning, inflating, and reallocating virtual hard disks with Copy-HardDisk, New-HardDisk, and Set-HardDisk.
ā¢Managing the host time zones with Get-VMHostAvailableTimeZone and Set-VMHost.
ā¢Working with default Datastore Provider and Inventory Provider drives.
ā¢Working with files and directories in datastores by using the Datastore Provider.
For more information on changes made in vSphere PowerCLI 4.0 Update 1, including deprecations and security enhancements, see the vSphere PowerCLI Change Log.