VMware has challenged the worldâs VI administrators to a contest of skill, creativity and raw scripting talent. I submitted a script to the VMware Infrastructure Toolkit (for Windows) Scripting Contest and hope to make a chance at winning a great price in this contest.
- First Prize: Airfare, hotel and admission to VMworld 2008 Las Vegas or $5,000 USD Cash Prize
- Second Prize: Macbook Air with VMware Fusion or $2,500 USD
- Third Prize: Xbox 360 Elite or $500 USD
At August 30, 2008, 11:59pm PST the contest was closed so I uploaded my final version of the Resource Pool Calculator yesterday evening. The following list shows you who the 23 contesters are and what amazing scripts theyâve created.
- LucD - Guest Provisioning System (cloning from templates)
- tzamora - Vmware Infraestructure Power Documenter
- esloof - Dynamic Resource Pool Calculator
- rt7500 - VI-Cluster-Audit
- Kyle Weir - VM Service Report v1.0
- GordonG - Virtual Machine Failover
- shambo - PowerAlarm Manager
- rsgqjj - Get-VIReports
- Adidas6 - Virtual Environment Overview Report
- slx86 - clonevdi
- ibeerens - VMware Healthcheck script
- dbbaskette - powerVDI
- CSummers311 - Rescan HBAs
- olan025 ESXi - Builder
- Jonwalz - Get-VDMData
- justingrote - Create Disaster Recovery Hard Drive
- tobru - VCB Backup Script
- ITS_TDT - Business Continuity Roll over Script
- RobMokkink - Deploy VM's based on a template from a .csv
- alanrenouf - Report into MS Word
- MorDrakka - Find Orphaned VMDK's
- hugopeeters - Get-StorageInfo 85
- ewmccarty - function destroy-network
- RobMokkink - Add/Remove active directory user accounts
- ewmccarty - Shutdown VM in specific Resource Pools
- Chris Uys - Find snapshots and send email
- RobMokkink - HBA Loadbalance script
They really did a great job and posted high quality scripts. VMware plans to announce prizewinners on September 7th, 2008 in the VMTN forums. The judges are:
VMware representative: Antonio Dias, Architect; Carter Shanklin, Product Manager
Industry representative: Lee Holmes and Bruce Payette
Community representative: Hal Rottenberg; Automation Engineer