This afternoon, I was jammed in traffic again. Luckily I burned the MP3 of the PowerScripting Podcast with Carter Shanklin on a CD and listened to the broadcast in my car. At one point Carter was referring to a new verbose logging option which enables you to intercept the soap traffic between you VI-Client and the vCenter server. This gives you the opportunity to find out how to call the really advanced stuff from PowerShell. Carter used it to fix a bug in a resize command-let. When I finally got home, I had to find out the command options and was staring at one of the most beautiful log files I ever saw, it’s brilliant.
Just start your VI-Client with the following options and you will receive massive output.
VpxClient.exe -log +sd
You can find the log files here: C:\Users\Eric Sloof\AppData\Local\VMware\vpx vi-client.txt