When you’re a PowerShell fanatic you probably installed the latest PowerShell update and you’re running your scripts on Windows PowerShell V2 Community Technology Preview 2 (CTP2). This version contains two shell’s, besides the PowerShell.exe your can also use the (Graphical PowerShell) GPowerShell.exe. Working with the standard shell is great but there are a lot of tools out there which can enrich your life as a scripter. At the 12th of December I’ll present the “Managing VMware VI3 with PowerShell” session at the Dutch VMUG event in Nieuwegein. This presentation contains some live demos of the following tools.
Here’s my PowerShell top five, hope to see you next week.
1. PowerGUI
2. PrimalForms
3. PowerGadgets
4. AdminScriptEditor
5. PowerShellPlus