This Dynamic Resource Pool Calculator recalculates all your resource pools. Depending on the number of virtual machines per resource pool, the number of reservations for memory and CPU is automatically lifted after running the Dynamic Resource Pool Calculator. The script also respects the existing individual virtual machine reservations and adds those value’s to the total RP sum.
When a virtual machine doesn’t have a reservation, the virtual machine memory is used to calculate the Resource Pool reservation. When the $MemFactor is 2, the virtual machine memory is divided by 2. This means a Virtual machine with 1024 MB lifts the Resource Pool reservation with 512 MB. The $CPUFactor is multiplied by the number of CPU’s. This means a virtual machine with 2 CPU ‘s will create a lift of 1024 MHz on the Resource Pool.
This script can present a GUI to the end user or can be run interactive from the PS command line. If no arguments are specified, the GUI starts. If a resource pool is passed as an argument, this resource pool will be processed without the GUI.
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