Distributed Virtual Port Groups (DV Port Groups) are port groups associated with a vDS and specify port configuration options for each member port. DV Port Groups define how a connection is made through the vDS to the Network. Configuration parameters are similar to those available with Port Groups on Standard Switches. The VLAN ID, traffic shaping parameters, port security, teaming and load balancing configuration, and other settings are configured here.
Distributed Virtual Uplinks (dvUplinks) are a new concept introduced with vDS. dvUplinks provide a level of abstraction for the physical NICs (vmnics) on each host. NIC teaming, load balancing, and failover policies on the vDS and DV Port Groups are applied to the dvUplinks and not the vmnics on individual hosts. Each vmnic on each host is mapped to a dvUplinks, permitting teaming and failover consistency irrespective of vmnic assignments. This is illustrated in the following Jing movie.